he reproduction of the colours, the consistently high quality of each colour from batch to batch and the extensive use of environmentally friendly technologies all require a high degree of input and expense. As a consequence of this, RAL gGmbH only works with selected manufacturing companies that satisfy the prescribed high requirements of RAL products with regard to measurement and production techniques.
The RAL products and services are subject to comprehensive legal protection. The visual representation of RAL colours is undertaken solely on the basis of the release and approval of RAL gGmbH.
The following individual points are to be observed:
Trademark protection
The designation RAL, the logo and the further specific design of the RAL products, such as, for example
are nationally and internationally registered trademarks of RAL gGmbH or of RAL Deutsches Institut für Gütesicherung und Kennzeichnung e. V.
Trademarks and business designations may also be - or become - protected independently of registration for RAL gGmbH solely via use in commerce.
Copyright protection
The RAL colour collections and the RAL colour system are protected by copyright.
Protection of utility patents and registered designs
The colour sheet holder (E2) is registered in Germany as a utility patent. The design of the RAL products may also be protected by Community designs - or become so - without this requiring registration.
Protection based on Unfair Competition Law
The RAL products enjoy protection based on Unfair Competition Law.
The use of protected terms, illustrations and products as well as the complete or partial, similar or identical production of RAL products is only allowed with the express authorisation of RAL gGmbH. This applies to all products and types of use, in both physical and digital form. It is irrespective here whether this is undertaken for own use or for the use of third parties or in the scope of any other publication or documentation. The import or export as well as the sale of such unauthorised products are also not allowed.
For the protection of its intellectual property RAL gGmbH is obliged to legally pursue and prevent all unauthorised use. The infringement of industrial property rights and copyrights not only results in civil law consequences, but also constitutes a criminal offence.